What Triggers Asthma at Home?

As Americans spend most of the time indoors, the popularity of HEPA filters (High-efficiency Particulate Air) has increased. In fact, 90% of the time is spent indoors. So, some people would think staying at home is no longer safe. If not for indoor air filters, asthma would not be triggered to attack. There has to be a way to gain full control of keeping these triggers to attack households in order to keep asthma away and have a good health condition.

Indoor allergens and other irritants play an important role in triggering asthma to attack. These are also known as triggers. These are the things that can cause asthma symptoms, or perhaps make asthma worse as they begin to attack. Keep in mind that if you have asthma, a single trigger can react and develop or even worsen the attack. Therefore, households have to be ensured to be free of these triggers. The Environmental Protection Agency has identified the triggers so you will have knowledge on how to reduce exposures to the asthma triggers, not to mention, you will have idea on how to develop a treatment plan to keep you and your household safe and free from any health problem or condition and not just asthma.

  • Secondhand Smoke

Second Hand Smoke

These days, there are small air filters that can keep your family safe indoors. Keep in mind that tobacco smoke is harmful for your health. In order to safeguard each and every member of the family, you need to understand and have knowledge with regard to secondhand smoke.

This is referred to the smoke exhaled by a smoker. This contains 4,000 substances including the several compounds that can cause cancer. It is believed that secondhand smoke can trigger asthma episodes and even worsen an attack. Therefore, if possible, keep your children away from the person smoking else, if it is possible to quit smoking, please do so. Otherwise, an air filter system will do the work in keeping a safe indoor air to breathe in.

  • Molds

Bathroom Mold Removal

Unlike smoke, molds cannot be seen by the naked eye. These are microscopic fungi that live on the plant and animal matter. In other words, where moisture is present, molds can be found. Therefore, you need to keep indoors clean and dry. Else, portable air cleaners are available to keep these molds to reproduce.

  • Outdoor Air Pollution

Air Pollution

One of the ways to dilute the toxic indoor air is to open the windows and other means of allowing the outdoor air to come in the home. However, what would happen if outdoor air pollution is present? These are caused by small particles emitted by industries, vehicles and other man-made causes. In addition, outdoor air pollution is also affected by pollen from plants and weeds. As it is inhaled, it can aggravate the lungs which can lead to coughing, shortness of breath, other health problem, and most of all asthma.

These are the major triggers of asthma. There are still other triggers and there are also several ways of keeping the air we breathe clean. Remember that clean air will always reduce any triggers and health problem causing substances to be present in air.

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